Stormy Daniels Explains Why Michael Avenatti Can't Scare Her

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Stormy Daniels appeared on Dan Abrams Live yesterday to talk about her successful court case against Michael Avenatti.

He asked who was she angrier at -- Avenatti, or Donald Trump?

“I’m far angrier at Michael Avenatti," she said.

She explained that she only met Trump a handful of times. "I didn’t consider him to be a friend. I didn’t have private conversations, and didn’t trust him, and he certainly didn’t steal from me. Michael Avenatti betrayed my trust and every way possible. He lied to my face. He lied about me. He put me on a stand for five and a half hours and called me names.”

“Was it worse in court than you expected it was going to be with him?”

“No, it actually wasn’t worse,” she said.

“Not to sound conceited, but I actually am a little impressed with how well I handled him. He doesn’t scare me -- I’ve seen Donald Trump naked. Nothing Michael Avenatti can say will scare me.”

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