Durbin Humiliates 'Tehran Tom' Cotton On The Record

In his rush to paint Biden's judicial nominee as soft on crime, Tom Cotton insists it was the Democrats who passed the First Step Act.

It's easy to make fun of Sen. 'Tehran Tom' Cotton (R-AR) for his asinine flub (or was it gaslighting?) during the Senate's Judiciary Committee hearing for Nina Morrison. Morrison is President Joe Biden's pick for U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, and she's spent years as an attorney for The Innocence Project, helping to free 30 innocent people from prison and death row.

So, naturally, Cotton is objecting to her nomination, claiming she's responsible for putting criminals back out on the street. That's not all, though. He's claiming the bipartisan prison reform bill, the First Step Act was — get this — the evildoing of the Democrats.

"It's your party that voted in lockstep for the First Step Act. That let thousands of violent felons back on the street, who have now committed innumerable violent crimes," whined Cotton.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) wasn't about to let that one slide, and jumped in, "First Step Act? The Democrats did the First Step Act? The Republicans were in the majority. It was a bill sponsored by Senator Grassley, Durbin, Lee, and many others, and who signed it into law? Donald Trump signed it into law, this so-called Democratic measure."

Trying to save face, Cotton sputtered, "To respond to the senator from Illinois, yes it's true that President Trump signed the First Step Act. The First Step Act was the worst mistake of the Trump administration," said Cotton.

Uh...I beg to differ. I can think of at least one or two "mistakes" of the Trump administration that were, maybe, a teensy-tiny bit worse than the First Step Act.

That's if it could even be considered a mistake to take a gigantic step towards badly needed prison reform by reducing recidivism and helping communities ravaged by deeply biased policing and sentencing. Sure to the racist GOP, that feels like a mistake - any correction of injustice towards marginalized groups can't be allowed.

I wish I knew who said, "To the privileged, equality feels like oppression," because boy, does it apply here.

Back to Cotton's idea of Trump's worst mistake, though? Perhaps, oh, I don't know, TREASON may be a bit worse, or some think INSURRECTION is sort of a political no-no, but to Tom Cotton, Trump's worst mistake is hands-down the First Step Act.

And for that reason, he's objecting to Nina Morrison's nomination. A woman who has dedicated her life to freeing people who have been jailed for crimes they have NOT committed. Because to Cotton, jailing innocent people is no big deal.

This makes perfect sense in the Party of Fascism.

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