Ukrainian Translator Has Brutal Message For Russians

Ukrainian translator Alexander Bilkun has a harsh message for Russians: Wake up to Putin's lies while you still can.

The former translator for former Ukrainian President Yushchenko, Alexander Bilkun, joined Jim Acosta on Saturday afternoon to talk about (waves arms frantically around) everything going on in Ukraine. You know, with the invasion from Russia. Mainly, he wanted to get at his thoughts and any words he would like to share with Russians, specifically Putin. Suffice to say, he did not mince words.

Acosta opened by asking Alexander this: "What is your message to the Russians, to Vladimir Putin who as you said are spinning all of these lies and telling their own people they are fighting the Nazis when it is a complete lie? what is your message to the Russians, what's your message to Putin?"

Bilkun cut right to it, saying: "Ironically Jim, I don't have a message to Putin to be honest. Simply, because I am more accustomed to talk to human beings which he's not. Well, sometimes I will talk to cat or a dog but because I respect cats and dogs, but not a creature which the man you referred to is. My message to the Russian people is also very minimum because first this message will not reach them. Number two, the message which I may want to send will reach them later when they are coming to their minds, they see the world that I had are not used to." He went on to say: "Up until now they still believe the whole world is their enemy. Ukraine is being manipulated by this. My message is sober up and come to it as soon as possible."

Wake up. You are being manipulated. Truer words have never been spoken.

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