Campos-Duffy: Testing Migrants For STDs Part Of Dems' Sexual Agenda

Fox’s Rachel Campos-Duffy calls testing for STDs "complicity" in human and child sex trafficking.

This particular bit of Fox News anti-Americanism had Campos-Duffy showing an utter lack of concern for making sure migrants coming into the country are healthy in favor of scoring political points against Democrats.

But first, the Orwellian cohosts griped about the “truly racist policies” of promoting equality in the just-passed funding bill.

“$1.45 billion for southern border response. ... There is definitely no wall funding in the southern border response,” Cohost and war criminal advocate Pete Hegseth whined. “If you read the details of the bill, it's mostly migrant facilitation and processing. ... It's not gonna secure the southern border and there's certainly not a dime in there for a wall or infrastructure." He sneered that the $17.2 billion for child care and early childcare education was for "government-run schools" to institute the federal government's "prerogatives into our youngest children."

Hegseth grudgingly acknowledged that the defense budget was the one thing everyone can agree on, but he quickly moved on to what could be demonized: earmarks, “derelict lobster pots," "greenhouses in New York City, thanks to Chuck Schumer,” as well as “equitable growth of shellfish in Rhode Island, diversity and inclusion programs at multiple universities” and reducing inequity in access to solar power.

Not that anyone bothered to explain a single one of those appropriations or the reasoning behind them. That might make viewers too sympathetic to Congress!

Cohost Will Cain made the racism more explicit. He said, "What I'd be fascinated to find out is how much equity, diversity, equity and inclusion is earmarked in every single one of these spending bills - from the climate resiliency programs, to the child care and early childhood education. I'd be fascinated to see how many of each of those programs ensure that what we have come to know as equity, which is truly racist policy making, is baked into the cake all throughout.”

But he wasn’t “fascinated” enough to actually do the job of a news host and get those facts. Because raising animosity and division is always the real goal of Murdoch’s Hate America Network.

Then it was Campos-Duffy’s turn. She blended the racism and xenophobia while pretending to be thinking of children.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: In the climate resilience programs, there were a lot of things like for Native American climate resiliency, millions of dollars towards that.

But I want to talk about the southern border response. You know, you're right, it's mostly for migrants. There was another report that came out earlier this week showing that many of these facilities that are taking the youngest kids coming across the border, testing not for covid, though they are probably doing that, but also gonorrhea, chlamydia, all kinds of STDs. So they know what is happening to these children as they come across the border and their answer is just more money, test them for the STDs instead of shutting down the border and stopping this abuse of children, this complicity, frankly, in human and child sex trafficking. It's absolutely outrageous.

And you're right about the child care stuff. This is about getting kids the younger -- they know they have to keep going younger and younger. They already told you they want to teach your kindergartners about transgenderism -- and if you don't agree with that you are a homophobe.

If Campos-Duffy really cared about protecting kids from sex trafficking, she’d be very interested in talking about Matt Gaetz instead of demonizing public health measures that protect Americans as much as migrants.

But we know why she isn’t.

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