Jen Psaki Stomps Peter Doocy's Gas Price Gotcha Hopes Again

"Let me give you the facts, I know that can be inconvenient."

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki clashed with Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy on Monday over who is to blame for rising gas prices.

"It sounds like you guys are blaming Putin for the increase in gas prices," Doocy complained at a White House press briefing. "But weren't gas prices going up anyway because of post-pandemic supply-chain issues?"

Psaki noted that recent price spikes in energy prices are "a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine."

"So, you say you're going to do everything you can to reduce the impact that high gas prices has on Americans," Doocy pressed. "We're asking other countries to think about pumping more oil. Why not just do it here?"

"Federal policies are not limiting the supplies of oil and gas," Psaki explained before the Fox News correspondent interrupted.

"There was an executive order [President Joe Biden's] first week that halted new oil and gas leases on public land," Doocy said.

"Let me give you the facts here," Psaki replied. "I know that can be inconvenient but I think they're important in this moment."

The press secretary explained to Doocy that "there are 9,000 permits that are not being used."

"So the suggestion that we're not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate," she remarked. "The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices from coming down is inaccurate."

"Wait, you guys think asking Saudi Arabia or Venezuela or Iran is reducing our dependence on foreign oil?" Doocy asked.

But Psaki pointed out that Doocy had been in the room when she answered a similar question moments before.

"I don't think anyone is advocating for Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, perhaps, except for the former president, who pulled us out of the [nuclear] deal," she concluded.

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