Kimmel: Trump's 2024 Campaign Can't Survive Russian Sanctions

"If Biden’s sanctions work and Russia runs out of money in 2024, there will be no one to fund his campaign."

Jimmy Kimmel laid out the bad news for "Captain Bone Spurs" on Monday night's Jimmy Kimmel Live! Some excerpts:

“The big story, of course, is the war on Ukraine. Not a whoa, really. But I appreciate the enthusiasm. Where the Russians are bombing civilians while saying they aren’t. The Ukrainians are not giving up. They are showing great courage. In the shadow of the murderer, Vladimir Putin. A man whose list of admirers now is down to Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump. Even famously neutral Switzerland is taking action against Russia. Switzerland! Switzerland, who never takes a side is taking a side on this. They have frozen Russian assets and closing swiss airspace. This is good and hopeful. So not only is Putin in hot water, now he’s in hot chocolate too.”

“But this is a tough one for Donald Trump because if Biden’s sanctions work and Russia runs out of money in 2024, there will be no one to fund his campaign. He sees this whole thing. He doesn’t care about Ukrainian people. He has decided to make this war about Donald Trump.”

“Trump also said NATO wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for him. Which — what is it with this guy? Without you there’d be no NATO? NATO has been around for 73 years! Did you also invent rap? “Without me, there would be no Afrika Bambaataa!” I don’t know about you, but I’m not particularly interested in hearing Captain Bone Spurs’s thoughts on war when his only military credentials are leading an attack on his own vice-president at the Capitol. There’s a war going on. You’d think we’d all be on the same page. Be an American for one minute and shut up. Even the clown from “It” took a few years off between terrorizing children.”

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