Oh, Look! A White Supremacist Pilot F*cks Around And Finds Out!
Well, this is awkward...

Well, this is awkward.
Apparently Piedmont Air, which is owned by American Airlines, employs a pilot named Shane Long, who is also, as it turns out, a member of multiple white supremacist hate groups. Some excellent internet sleuthing on the part of Twitter user Dixie Tears Streaming Service (@ShermanMarching) connected all the hate-filled dots to produce some pretty damning evidence. Some highlights:
Long is listed in Piedmont Air's list of employees. Oh, dear.
Dixie Tears provided evidence in a long string of tweets to show how they determined that this same Shane Long was also J. Shane Long, Jonathan Shane Long, and Shayne Long. He was part of a "White Student Union" at Towson University in Maryland, and Chairman of the Maryland-Virginia League of the South, which is designated by the SPLC as a hate group. In 2017, he joined Identity Dixie, another hate group.
Isn't detective work fun? When other people do it?
Anywho, the upshot is, this wasn't apparently just a youthful dalliance as a slave-curious college boy. He associates with wanna-be slave-owners today. While operating large metal tubes carrying dozens of unsuspecting humans trusting him with their lives while those tubes fly at least 10,000 feet off the ground at hundreds of miles per hour.
As Dixie Tears stated, that security clearance is gonna be a problem.
If you aren't on Twitter, but you'd still like to see all the tweets, click here for ThreadReader format.)
American Airlines has been informed.
They responded.
And a tweet which for the life of me I cannot understand why it only has ten likes as of when I finished writing this post: