Trucker Convoy Lady Shows Off: This Is Her Brain On QAnon
A protester at the trucker tantrum convoy blames "the Rothschilds" for the Civil War, among other strange rants.
A woman who attended the trucker tantrum convoy in Washington, D.C., dressed in a gaudy red, white and blue costume, went on quite a strange rant:
Back out at the Trucker Convoy today, this woman explains what she learned from Gen Flynn at the QAnon conferences. We hear that Trump signed something important at Mt. Rushmore, the Rothschilds started the Civil War, and the US became a corporation in 1871.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) March 8, 2022
A transcript of her rant is available at Raw Story, but the key points of her rant include:
- The Civil War was started by "The Rothschilds" in order to kill all Americans and to bankrupt the country
- That America became a corporation in 1871 simply changing the name from United States for America to United States of America
- That more people died in the Civil War than all other wars combined
- That TFG fixed their little red wagons by signing The Declaration of Independence at Mount Rushmore on July 3rd or 4th, 2020
- She had learned all her "facts" from Gen. Flynn at a QAnon conference in Florida and antigovernment activist David Straight at some conference in Texas.
It's fairly obvious that this woman has some mental health concerns. It's not known if she's been formally diagnosed by a licensed psychiatrist or what that diagnoses might be, but the good news is that there's a whole line of different medications that could help her deal with her issues.
In the meantime, she'll probably be voting in the midterms. Guess which party.