Fox Host: Musk Taking Over Twitter ‘Literally About Saving Civilization’
The same folks who want to muzzle teachers and ban library books are claiming they hope Elon Musk will “save free speech" by taking over Twitter.
Leading off the conservative hypocrisy and dishonesty was Fox & Friends cohost Rachel Campos-Duffy. Just one week ago, she was fine with boycotting Disney for being too woke (her only concern was that the boycott wouldn't last). But sitting as a cohost for the most-watched cable news network and with 138.7K Twitter followers, Campos-Duffy began whining about conservatives being censored “everywhere” and drooled over the utopia that St. Elon would bring about if only he'd open the floodgates for lies, threats, conspiracy theorists and maybe even Donald Trump to return to Twitter.
CAMPOS-DUFFY: This is not about money for him. This is literally about saving civilization. Because right now in America, democracy is not really truly democracy when one side of the table is completely censored. Everywhere. And it's not just on Twitter. If you look at the universities, everywhere you go, the conservative point of view is just not as allowed and it's literally censored on Twitter and other platforms.
Campos-Duffy “forgot” to mention that conservatives routinely make it into the 10 top-performing Facebook posts.
It turns out Campos-Dummy was just echoing Tucker Carlson. She played a clip of Carlson saying that Musk is “not trying to make more money,” just trying to “save free speech in the United States” because “our own democratic system isn’t working.”
Cohost Brian Kilmeade was there to turn St. Elon into a martyr. “Elon Musk is being attacked and all of a sudden, they’re lining up, the SEC is lining up to look at what he’s doing with Tesla and SpaceX,” he said. “Everybody could get hurt” if he is prevented from taking over Twitter, Kilmeade opined.
“Can you imagine if you went on a platform and you just saw conservative thought and liberal thought at the same time, no one protecting us from someone's point of view?” Kilmeade asked.
As if it’s not possible to follow both conservatives and liberals on Twitter – which, by the way, Kilmeade does, though the vast majority of the 3,974 people and institutions he follows are conservative. In case you’re wondering, “censored” Kilmeade has 582.7K followers.
Cohost Pete Hegseth called Twitter “a left-wing echo chamber.” He added that it was “great to see the minions at Twitter freaking out.”
Kilmeade and Hegseth delighted at the thought of them “all” getting fired and making “people actually go to work.”
But Hegseth now claimed, “the whole point is to have speech that you disagree with. You don’t have free speech unless that exists.”
That is, unless you’re Disney.