Kremlin TV Pundits Giggle As They Consider Nuclear Strike On New York City

Russian state TV hosts laughed at the prospect of killing as many as three million people as they suggested firing a Satan 2 nuke at New York.

Russia has just launched their Satan II (RS-28 Sarmat) intercontinental ballistic missile after years of development. Pundits on Kremlin TV were giddy at the prospect of levelling New York City with one missile, a blast capable of destroying everything within a 32 mile radius and potentially killing more than 3 million people.

Source: The Sun

Heartless Russian state TV hosts laughed at the prospect of killing as many as three million people as they suggested firing a Satan 2 nuke at New York City.

The Kremlin propagandists giggled uncontrollably as they discussed nuclear strikes against the United States - days after they outrageously claimed that WW3 had begun.

In the chilling footage, hosts joked about attacking their “so-called partners” claiming that “Americans have always feared our heavy rockets.”

They swiftly cited the potential effects of Putin’s unstoppable "Satan 2" hypersonic missile, which was reportedly launched earlier this week.

The killer 16,000mph Sarmat rocket is believed to be able to carry between 10 and 15 warheads - allows it to drop multiple nukes on an area in a single strike.

A full total payload – estimated to be 7.5 megatons – would pulverise any region as just one of them contains 30times the explosive power of the Hiroshima bomb.

According to nuclear bomb simulator Nuke Map, a devastating nuclear blast hitting the surface of central New York City would kill more than 3.1million people and injure nearly as many.

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