Who Loves Ghost Guns? Fox News' The Five, That's Who

Who could possibly be against making sure guns have serial numbers? Dumb Fox panelists paid to say so.

On Monday President Biden took the most non-controversial step ever in support of LAW ENFORCEMENT and making it easier to TRACK DOWN MURDERERS.

Making it illegal to manufacture and sell a "ghost gun kit." So that every gun has a serial number on it. You know, just like, um, washing machines and cars.

The people who get paid to display their lack of integrity on TV, the panel of Fox News's "The Five," apparently think it isn't enough? Well, they're right!

JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): Cracking down on ghost guns is not going to reduce crime at all. Over the last decade, only 2500 ghost guns were used in criminal activity. So you can ban every single ghost gun right now and you wouldn't drop the crime rate 1%. If I were a criminal and I was watching the president today, I'd say he has my vote.

So is Jesse Watters suggesting comprehensive gun safety legislation complete with the incredibly popular (even with gun owners) background checks?

No, he is not.

He just wants to collect a paycheck for being negative about Democrats, the end.

Via Media Matters.

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