Audience Mocks Boebert Relentlessly At Primary Debate

Hurling accusations at her opponent, Don Coram, of selling "hot hemp," the audience breaks into loud laughter, while she stands there humiliated in her own stupidity.

Babbling about her primary opponent supporting limitations on qualified immunity for police, and suggesting there may have been "alternative motors" for his position, Lauren Boebert was highly entertaining for both the audience members and Don Coram in her debate performance yesterday.

Coram is challenging Boebert for her Congressional seat, positioning himself as a rational Republican (I know, I know, but his site and the media he shares really does suggest he'd be more of a friend to Democrats than Joe Manchin is,) and Bobo actually shows up to debate him. Speaking a mile-a-minute (from notes, which was prohibited by the debate rules,) she sounds like an unprepared 6th-grader making up lies about a girl she's trying to beat out for a date with the dodgeball king.

"Maybe you're worried about being prosecuted as a felon yourself for selling HOT HEMP...with THC levels..." she says with a dramatic flourish, at which point the entire audience begins to guffaw. Coram looks at the audience with restrained amusement, and then she looks at the audience and demands, "ORDER!" as if she's the one wielding the gavel.

All hell breaks loose, as the audience loses it, and the debate moderator finally calls for "Oooorder."

She continues, "...seven lab reports showed you selling at THC levels that qualified as a Schedule 1 narcotic. That makes you an illegal drug dealer, with a vote that maybe changed that." (???)

"Sounds corrupt to me, and sounds corrupt to the Gazette. That's all," Bobo concluded.

Coram looks down with a smile, adjusts his glasses, and says, "Oooh, thank you. This is fun times, right?"

I'm not saying the guy has a chance in hell, but I'm also not saying I'd be sad if he won. And it sure sounded like the audience had more fun than Bobo had, which is a dynamic I'd love to see play out on primary day.

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