McConnell Pal Lies About 'Nine Months' Of Abortion

"The Democratic party position, as I understand it, is nine months of abortion, no limits," the slimy toad said.

Why oh why do cable channels hire people who do nothing but lie? What do they bring to the discourse?

"Joining us now is CNN political commentator Scott Jennings, a long-time confidant of Senator McConnell's, and Ashley Allison, former national coalitions director of the Biden 2020 campaign," CNN's Alysin Camerota said.

"Scott, because of your access to Mitch McConnell, I want to start with you. First, let me just pull up the latest polling from last week in terms of where Americans are on Roe v. Wade and abortion. so two to one, Americans do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. So despite that, do you agree with Senator McConnell that it's, quote, possible that there could be a federal ban on abortion if there were enough Republican votes on Capitol Hill?"

"Well, first of all, I don't think the Supreme Court should be making decisions based on public polling. I actually think if you pulled up a poll about do Americans want unlimited abortion through all nine months, they would say they don't want that either. But that's what's going to be on the floor this week. Chuck Schumer is legislating, to borrow Senator McConnell's words -- " Jennings said.

"Scott, hold on. You say that as though -- one of the caveats of what they're putting on the floor is if the life of the mother is in jeopardy. That's how the law is written. It's if the life of the mother or the health of the mother is in jeopardy. That is what would allow them to end the pregnancy. Don't you think that's an important detail?" Camerota said.

"The Democratic party position, as I understand it, is nine months of abortion, no limits."

"That's not it, Scott. I have it right here."

"What are the limits? What week or month is the limit?"

"I'll tell you right now. A right to abortion only when in the good faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life. There it is. That's the language."

" 'Any health care provider.' Look, there are no limits in this. It goes all the way through. Here's the thing, we can debate this and the conservative position is it should be debated, in Congress or in state capitols," the smug weasel said.

"In the article you reference, that's all Senator McConnell was saying is, this takes it out of the judicial venue and puts it in the political. I expect what you're going to have is Democrats and Republicans putting up legislation. Republicans are likely to do it as well, Democrats are doing it. and then the Senate and Congress would take it up. What's also said in this article is the most important piece. They will not blow up the legislative filibuster over this, meaning Republicans. so you would need 60 votes to do."

1. Rights are not 'political.' Either U.S. citizens have a right to privacy, or they don't. It's not up to a bunch of state house yahoos.
2. No one believes Moscow Mitch won't blow up the filibuster in a red hot minute to pass a national abortion law. You don't believe it, either.
3. You "don't believe" SCOTUS should be making decisions based on public polling. You much prefer they make decisions based on private polling -- of right wing organizations like the Federalist Society and major GOP donors. Just so we're clear.
4. Clearly, you don't understand women's rage over this issue. That's fine. Just keep telling yourself it will all blow over. It won't. And God willing, we'll finally get to banish the GOP to the wilderness, where they belong.

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