Miami Heat Opens Game With Call To Action On Gun Violence

Way to go! Miami Heat asks their fans to call their Senators...and VOTE in November.

Way to go, Miami Heat!

On Wednesday night, the Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals opened with a moment of silence for the victims of the Uvalde mass shooting.

Then the announcements took a turn:

"The Heat urges you to contact your state’s senators by calling 202-224-3121 to leave a message demanding their support for commonsense gun laws. You can also make change at the ballot box. Visit heat.com/vote to register and let your voice be heard this fall."

Marco Rubio was not amused by what he obviously saw as a threat to his 2022 re-election campaign. So he replied on Twitter with classic whataboutism.

Many people replied to him with a version of "go **** yourself"

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