Philly Inquirer: We 'Can't' Endorse Any GOP Primary Candidate

Pennsylvania’s Senate and gubernatorial GOP primary candidates are so extreme on abortion and so out-of-touch with reality on the 2020 election, that the editorial board of the Philadelphia Inquirer said it can’t endorse any of them in Tuesday’s primary.

Pennsylvania’s Senate and gubernatorial GOP primary candidates are so extreme on abortion and so out-of-touch with reality on the 2020 election, that the editorial board of the Philadelphia Inquirer said it can’t endorse any of them in Tuesday’s primary.

Although the editorial board acknowledges that it leans Democratic, it has endorsed Republicans in past elections. It wanted to do so again in this year's primary. “Even when a candidate’s views didn’t exactly align with positions taken by this board, we’ve found points of agreement, sustained moments of mutual respect, and an appreciation of the kind of apolitical qualifications that are objectively deserving of praise,” the board said.

Not now, though. This crop of Republicans is not “operating in the same reality.”

First, almost all the Senate candidates complained the editorial board’s questions were biased and unfair. All but one refused to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. “How do you find points of agreement when you can’t reach common ground on facts so basic that they could be used in a field sobriety test?” the board asked.

Answer: you can’t.

Three of the Republican gubernatorial candidates acknowledged that Biden is the president. But their zeal for erasing a woman’s 50-year right to abortion as soon as Roe v. Wade is officially overturned disqualified all of them for endorsement, the board concluded.

There is no inherent virtue in supporting the policies that this board supports — but that’s not the point. The question isn’t how can more people agree with us, but how can this nation come to a place where we reach different conclusions and hold different opinions while operating from the same commonly shared set of facts? We don’t have an answer.

Here's one possible solution: Others in the mainstream media should start calling out the Republicans’ gaslighting extremism as unacceptable, too.

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