Radical Judge Writes Legislation Overturning Women's Rights

Radical right justices are not jurists writing opinions. They are politicians writing legislation without that pesky accountability through the political process.

Decades ago, one of my relatives got pregnant when she was 15 years old, and was desperate enough to douche with Drano. She almost died as a result, and in the process, all of her reproductive organs had to be removed. Her mother, a classic "good" Catholic, never forgave her and kicked her out of the house. And in the TV Movie of the Week tradition, my relation ended up addicted to crack and living on the streets. No happy ending -- as far as I know, she's still there.

This is what I think about, not just when we consider the legality of abortion, but when we consider the stigma.

I used to work part-time in a local restaurant, and young women used to ask my advice about absolutely horrific situations regarding unwanted pregnancies. When I would bring up the possibility of abortion, they would recoil. I remember one of them said, "But that's what bad people do."

We no longer have the TV movies that used to have major influence on public opinion, and abortion was one of the things they helped normalize. Now, in a world of unrelenting right-wing Christianist propaganda, a woman who makes the decision not to carry a pregnancy to term is the classic evil, selfish woman -- because there are so few media depictions to rebut that.

The loss of our rights is no longer theoretical.

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