A Real Life Cinder-ella Story

The amazing story of a real life miracle in the form of an elk calf.

A Real Life Cinder-ella Story

New Mexico has been ravaged by wildfires this spring. Firefighters were going through the Gascon area, checking for lingering hot spots, when they found a live Cinder.

Not the burning type of Cinder, but a live elk calf they dubbed Cinder. The calf was lying in six inches of ash and surrounded by the charred remains of trees. After waiting for a while and looking around, they determined the calf was probably orphaned and the firefighters rescued her. They went up the road where they found help at the ranch owned by Lisa and Carl Bartley. At the direction of the Bartley's vet, they started rehydrating Cinder with a mix of condensed milk and water.

The Bartleys weren't done there. They also transported Cinder to Las Vegas and put her in the care of Dr. Ramsey where she is receiving TLC from both the hoomans and a surrogate elk momma. When she is strong enough and old enough, the plan is to return Cinder to the wild, hopefully near the Bartley ranch, where the Barleys said that she would always be welcome.

I don't know about you, but I sure needed a story like this, full of wholesomeness and hope after the week that we had.

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