Retired Russian Colonel Blasts Invasion, Russian Soldiers As Incompetent

Mikhail Khodaryonok, a retired colonel, told Russian state TV that the whole world was against Russia now.

Defense analyst Mikhail Khodaryonok was allowed on Russian state TV again and his criticisms of Russia's war effort have become even more pronounced and negative than before. Host Olga Skabeeva, paid by the Kremlin herself, let him speak for over six minutes straight, and with remarkable candor. Definitely not the usual "information transquilisers" seen on state television there.

Source: LBC

Mikhail Khodaryonok, a retired colonel, told Russian state TV they should not take "information tranquillisers" and dismissed notions that the Ukrainian army is becoming demoralised.

Speaking with the show's host Olga Skabeyeva about suggestions some Ukrainian units were struggling for funding and arms, Mr Khodaryonok says: "The situation from the overall strategic position is that the Ukrainian armed forces are able to arm a million people.
He says if Ukraine had no help, it would struggle to do that, but with foreign help they will be equipped in the "near future", massively expanding Kyiv's forces. "On their own, of course, they wouldn't have done anything, but considering that the Lend-lease program is about to start functioning and the resistance of a single senator will be overcome quite quickly," he said.

Mr Khodaryonok goes on to say the situation will "frankly, get worse".

A call-out to Rand Paul of Kentucky for his assistance to Russia.

When Skabeeva interjected that Ukraine does not have anywhere the numbers of professional soldiers that Russia has and will be overwhelmed, Khodaryonok dismissed the quality of Russian forces while praising Ukraine's volunteers.

"A desire to protect one's homeland, in the sense that it exists in Ukraine, it really does exist there. They intend to fight to the last man."

When Ms Skabeyeva intervenes again to mock the idea that a "desire to die" could be branded "professionalism", Mr Khodaryonok says it is one of the most important components of an army's readiness.

He was just as dismissive of Russia's efforts to keep Finland out of NATO.

Speaking about the broader, global picture, Mr Khodaryonok says: "Don't engage in sabre-rattling with missiles in Finland's direction. It actually looks quite ridiculous.

"After all, the main deficiency of our military-political position is that, in a way, we are in full geopolitical isolation, and that, however much we would hate to admit this, virtually the entire world is against us.

Host Skabeeva again tried to paint a rosy picture of a war they were "forced into." Khodaryonok replied rationally and reasonably that Russia now has 42 nations against them, giving Ukraine resources they would otherwise not have while Russia is now extremely limited, despite their initial overwhelming forces.

Tom Nichols with his thoughts.

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