Seth Meyers Gleefully Skewers Kelly Anne Conway's New Book
He told viewers to ignore what she says, calling her a "prolific and shameless liar."
Seth Meyers eviscerated Kellyanne Conway's new book, saying, "I'm not gonna quote from the book because there's no reason to believe anything in it. I'll bet even the cover is a lie."
"Conway was such a prolific and shameless liar that we shouldn't take a single thing she says at face value. In fact, that's how we should treat anyone in the GOP who backed Trump's big lie about non-existent fraud in the 2020 election," he said.
And he really stuck it to her over her past comments on covid.
"Congrats, Kellyanne. You were right. It was contained in March 2020. COVID quickly fizzled out. Hydroxychloroquine and horse paste worked, and we never heard of it again. Toilet paper was free and plentiful. No one was locked in their homes for a year. And I kept doing my show in a suit and tie with a haircut and a full, unmasked audience."