Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread

Your TeeVee line-up, plus a special reunion.

Remember this kid? He's graduating high school, now, and Barack Obama felt that a reunion was in order. Here's a five-minute balm for your soul.

From Jackie Calmes of the Los Angeles Times:

A framed copy of the Souza photo hangs in Obama’s office. The former president says, “I think this picture embodies one of the hopes that I’d had when I first started running for office.

“I remember telling Michelle and some of my staff, ‘You know, I think that if I were to win, the day I was sworn into office, young people — particularly African American people, people of color, outsiders, folks who maybe didn’t always feel like they belonged — they’d look at themselves differently to see a person who looked like them in the Oval Office. It would speak to Black kids and Latino kids, gay kids and young girls. They could see the world open up for them.”


“That was a pretty big highlight of my life,” he says in the video. “If I get to see another Black man be at the top, be at that pinnacle, then I want to follow that lead.”

His mother, Roseane Philadelphia, told me in a phone interview from the family’s home in Kampala that Jacob over the years dreamed of being one thing and then another, but “the only thing” that’s been consistent is his desire to ultimately become president. “That’s why he’s going to study political science,” she said.


Here's your Sunday morning line-up:

CBS “Face the Nation”: Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) … Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson … Uvalde County Commissioner Ronnie Garza … Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) … Nicole Hockley … Jaclyn Corin.

FOX “Fox News Sunday,” guest-anchored by Sandra Smith: Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) … Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.). Panel: Brit Hume, Olivia Beavers and Juan Williams.

ABC “This Week”: Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) … Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.). Panel: Donna Brazile, Susan Glasser, Jonathan Martin and Ramesh Ponnuru.

CNN “State of the Union”: Texas state Sen. Roland Gutierrez … Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) … Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) … Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.).

NBC “Meet the Press,” with a special edition focused on gun policy: Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) … Cedric Alexander … Stephanie Rawlings-Blake … Tony Monalto. Panel: Cornell Belcher, Pat McCrory, Ashley Parker and Ali Vitali.

MSNBC “The Sunday Show”: David Hogg … Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) … Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow … Marc Morial … Robin DiAngelo … Tim Wise … Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.).

CNN “Inside Politics”: Charles Ramsey … Frank Smyth. Panel: Jonathan Martin, Laura Barrón-López, Lauren Fox and Phil Mattingly.

Any fun plans for this Memorial Day Weekend? Tell us in the comments!

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