Why The Usual GOP Plans To Protect Our Children Didn't Work

"The Republican plan to protect children did not work," Lawrence O'Donnell said last night.

Lawrence O'Donnell last night did a painstaking analysis of why Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott are so full of sh*t about their so-called plans to keep kids safe from being slaughtered in schools.

" 'This was totally predictable.' That's what Beto O'Rourke said today when he provided the only unpredictable moment in the unfolding story of mass murder at a Texas elementary school," he said.

"The mass murder that occurred yesterday was predictable. We just could not tell you the exact location that it was going to occur or the exact day that it was going to occur. It is now predictable that a virtually identical shooting will occur again in Texas and in other states. What has been said in the aftermath has also been totally predictable. But Beto O'Rourke's crashing of the news conference by Greg Abbott was not predictable. Beto O'Rourke went to that news conference in Uvalde, Texas to listen and then to tell Greg Abbott and other Republican elected officials on the stage, quote, 'this is on you.' "

The shooting -- right now when you are doing nothing.


This is totally predictable.

Sir, you are out of line! sir, you are out of line! sir, you are out of line. please leave this auditorium. [inaudible] i can't believe you are a sick son of a bleep. -- [inaudible]

It is on you.

"This is on you until you choose to do something about it. That is what Beto O'Rourke said to the governor and to the other elected Republicans on the stage while Beto O'Rourke was being shouted down by the Republican mayor of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, a sometimes guest on Tucker Carlson's show.

O'Donnell pointed out that Beto O'Rourke was booked to appear on his show Tuesday night, but flew back to Texas after the shootings.

Greg Abbott, on the other hand, did not cancel his political fundraiser.

He talked about how reporters could hear the screams of the parents at the town center when they were told that the DNA samples they submitted matched the DNA samples of the dead.

"Those screams were not heard by Greg Abbott at his fundraiser that he was enjoying at the same time -- the same time -- those screams were heard. Senator Raphael Cruz has two daughters. One in high school and when in elementary school. But he knows that he does not have to worry about what happens when they go to school. that's because they don't go to a public school in Texas. They go to a high-priced and private school, where these things did not happen. And America is the country where you can always -- always -- buy your way out of any problem."

O'Donnell described how the gunman approached the building and the officers let him in. (Note: Ted Cruz has proposed welding all the doors shut except one. Guess they don't have fire laws in Texas, either.)

He pointed out there was armed law enforcement on the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

"And that did nothing. That law enforcement officer did nothing to stop 17 people from being murdered at that high school. The American Republican elected officials posing in that press conference, those Texas republican officials posing there, said that mental health is the problem. That we just have to get mental health under control and then there will be no more school shootings.

"That's the Republican solutions. And that was completely contradicted on the spot, unwittingly, by Governor Abbott himself."

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