Wow, Saturday Night Live Was Right About The Conways
Turns Out The Conways Marriage Is Not ‘The Song of Songs’, Who Knew?
We get some insight into one of the greatest love stories of the new century, George and KellyAnn Conway and how they keep it fresh:
I had already said publicly what I'd said privately to George: that his daily deluge of insults-by-tweet against my boss—or, as he put it sometimes, "the people in the White House"—violated our marriage vows to "love, honor, and cherish" each other. Those vows, of course, do not mean we must agree about politics or policies or even the president. In our democracy, as in our marriage, George was free to disagree, even if it meant a complete 180 from his active support for Trump-Pence–My Wife–2016 and a whiplash change in character from privately brilliant to publicly bombastic.
"Whoop-de-do, George!" I said to him. "You are one of millions of people who don't like the president. Congrats."
Generally speaking, I don’t give a damn about either Conway, nor do I care to learn more about their pathology, but honestly who had Ivanka caring about anything other than herself on their 4th Reich Bingo Card?
Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.