Chris Hayes Says It Out Loud: Trump Tried To Have Pence Killed

The most reasonable interpretation of the facts is it was an assassination attempt. Wow, but true.

I don't know why


isn't the headline in every major outlet today. Wait, yes I do.

Chris Hayes has to couch his language but is courageous enough to say it out loud with a carefully worded preface:

HAYES: Establishing clearly, they [the White House] knew there was violence at the Capitol when he sent the tweet...

Credit: Screenshot/PBS NewsHour

...I think the most reasonable interpretation of the facts, not necessarily the most definitive one, but the most reasonable interpretation of the facts as introduced... that the President of the United States tried to get the Vice President killed.

Saying that sentence sounds...a little nuts, but what closed the loop for me on this today? Was the definitive establishing in the testimony today that they knew when he sent the tweet [that the mob was violent]. That was seemed clear at the time...we were all watching it on TV...but the fact he had been briefed, the fact they told him how hairy it had gotten, how scary it had gotten. There were internal communications going to the President, and he sent that tweet. It is very difficult to find an interpretation, that is NOT that... the President decided to sic the crowd on the Vice President.

Lawrence Tribe also says a thing:

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