Fact Checkers Confirm 'Jen Psaki' Tweets Were Parody

Many Twitter users just assumed that tweets purporting to be from the former White House Press Secretary had so much truth in them (Trump was wearing kneepads when he visited the Kremlin, and that Trump is too fat to ride a bicycle) that they were real.

Somehow, thousands of Twitter users failed to see that tweets labelled "Parody by Back Rub" were in fact parody, most just assuming that tweets purporting to be from the former White House Press Secretary that there was so much truth in them (Trump was wearing kneepads when he visited the Kremlin, and that Trump is too fat to ride a bicycle) that they must be true too.

Reuters did a fact check, here, as well as Snopes, here.

Source: Reuters

Two fabricated tweets created by a satire account purporting to have been sent by the former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has duped users online.

The falsified tweets were supposedly sent on June 18, 2022. The screenshots show an image of Psaki on the top left corner, sent via a Twitter account with the handle @Psaki. One fabricated tweet reads: “President Biden might need kneepads for riding his bike, but the last guy needed kneepads for visiting the Kremlin”.

The second tweet says: “Yes, president Biden fell on his bike. To Donald Trump: a bike is something you ride when you have physical strength to lift your own knees.” One user shared the screenshot with the caption: “Daayum ... Jen is hittin' long balls outta the park!!”

More than a few were fooled.

But Jen Psaki herself set the record straight.

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