GOPers Block Biden's ATF Nominee To Stop Gun Law Enforcement

Having a strong ATF director to enforce gun laws would be a really good thing -- which is why Republicans don't want it.

Cliff Schecter's been fighting the good fight for gun control as long as I can remember, and he points out what the Republicans are doing to actually stop it.

He talked about how minimal the new gun bill is, calling it "eight percent out of 100."

Cliff talks about Steve Dettelbach, who ran for attorney general in Ohio. He was nominated by Joe Biden to be the next director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.

"And if you could, if we would support the ATF because the Republicans have spent the last 20 to 30 years purposely undermining their mission -- not allowing them to use computers. And I'm not kidding you, they had to go through old files that were written by hand. They wouldn't allow them to pass a law where they would hold people responsible for inventory so they could check on guns that were stolen or disappeared

"In other words, if you really want to stop illegal guns from getting out there, there are a lot of ways to do it. Having a strong ATF director who's given the funding, the support, not undercut or attacked would be one of those ways and that's how you know Republicans -- still again, don't get me wrong, vote for the bill they've offered it will save lives, any lives saved are good -- but do not, do not give them credit for trying to save the lives of our babies.

"Do not vote for their bill and go out the next day remind people they're doing everything in their power to still make sure people get guns who are murderers and criminals and terrorists and domestic abusers and drug cartel members and you name it because if they want to stop a lot of this they would support Steve Dettelbach right away."

He said every single Republican on the Judiciary Committee voted against advancing Joe Biden's nominee, Steve Dettelbach. Of course they did. Click here to subscribe to Cliff's channel.

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