Gun Nut: Unarmed Teachers Endanger The Safety Of Children
Nik Clark of Wisconsin Carry Inc. says that teachers who won't be armed are putting children in harm's way.
On the Wisconsin-base talk show Up Front, the issue for discussion was what to do about all the senseless and extremely avoidable mass shootings like the one in Uvalde, Texas. Democratic State Representative Deb Andraca discussed the proven, sensible gun laws that most people, including gun owners, support. Laws such as background checks and red flag laws.
Representing the other side was Nik Clark, president of Wisconsin Carry, Inc., a gun nut group. Clark was all over the map on why these sensible gun laws were a bad idea starting with how they don't work even though they have been proven to work very well. Clark then channeled his inner Ted Cruz by arguing that the door should have been closed. He never did explain how one would go about closing a door in a open, public setting. He also tried to argue that their was no point in banning assault style rifles because their were even more effective weapons out there.
Lastly, he tried to argue that the teachers need to be armed, stating that teachers who refused to be armed are getting in the way of solutions to keep children safe. Huh? They don't trust teachers with a book or a lesson plan but they are comfortable giving a teacher a lethal weapon? How does that even make sense to anybody? And considering that the Republicans don't want to pay for pencils or papers for the kids to use, forcing the teachers to buy supplies out of their already shorted paychecks, who do they expect to pay for all of these weapons, ammo and shooting lessons?
We've tried it the Republican/NRA way. It doesn't work. Instead of going further down that rabbit hole, let's just try doing something that would work.