Johnson: 'I Played A Two Minute Role' In Fake Elector Scheme

Ron Johnson admits to playing "a two minute role" in the attempted stealing of the 2020 elections.

On Friday, the amazing Lauren Windsor happened to be on the same flight to Milwaukee as the dopey election mule, Ron Johnson. After they had disembarked from the plane, Windsor took the opportunity to ask RoJo about his latest scandal with the fake electors.

It didn't take him long to become completely flustered, but he did admit that he played "a two minute role" in the attempt to overturn the 2020 elections. Shortly after that, RoJo ran away, with a police escort, down a private staircase.

But there's more. There's always more.

RoJo's spokeswoman got rather defensive, overly protective and extremely hyperbolic as she tried to conflate the situation:

Alexa Henning, Johnson's spokesperson, shortly after the events told the Journal Sentinel the senator "is always respectful to those who approach him with questions."

"What is unfortunate is that Democrat leaders have encouraged this type of disrespectful encounter," Henning said. "Democrat leaders bear the responsibility to condemn this behavior before it turns violent."

Henning must be as new as RoJo's Chief of Staff because with skin that thin, she doesn't have much of a future in politics.

But maybe she should have a chat with her boss and let him know that people tend to get angry when people try to do them harm, like push snake oil cures for a deadly pandemic or to take away their right to healthcare or try to sabotage fair elections. Then again, her paycheck does hinge on how well she can tell lies.

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