Mike's Blog Round Up
He seeks them here. He seeks them there. He seeks those Liberal blog posts everywhere. Some call him mordant and some call him crass. That shadowy rustic some call driftglass.
On this date in 1972 Smokey Robinson appeared onstage for the last time with his group The Miracles in Washington, DC. Smokey and the Miracles, Going to a Go-Go (see above).
Strangely Blogged sez, See Something, Say Something.
The Gazetteer on a Kinder, Gentler Gilead?
Disaffected and it Feels So Good reminds us that a Flood of Guns and Republican Lies isn't Freedom...
Attention space nerds! NASA's former #2, Lori Garver, doesn’t hold back in a new memoir out on Tuesday about how she had to fight like hell to change NASA culture to support the fledgling private space industry.
Round Up by driftglass of the Professional Left Podcast
Send tips to mbru (AT) crooksandliars (DOT) com