'The Part Of Donald Trump Will Now Be Played By Ron DeSantis'

Any soap opera fan knows how seamlessly the producers replace an actor.

This is the nightmare that keeps me up at night: that we so thoroughly destroy Donald Trump's political future, Ron DeSantis simply replaces him. And it looks like that's what Rupert Murdoch and the biggest Republican donors plan to do.

Most people don't really pay that much attention to politics. The reason Republicans voted for Joe Biden in 2020 was because Trump had so saturated the public sphere with repulsive behavior that they couldn't bring themselves to vote for him.

But that doesn't mean they don't agree with him.

Ron DeSantis is Trump without the social downside. As I say, most people aren't hyper-informed the way blog readers are, and the corporate media absolutely refuses to confront his fascist, authoritarian nature -- just as they did with Trump. So when you tell your sister-in-law you're thinking about Ron DeSantis for 2024, she doesn't look at you like you're slime.

I continue to be amazed as to how DeSantis has even managed to bamboozle the nation into believing he did an outstanding job with covid in his state.

Look at this video. You can laugh, but DeSantis's mimicking of Trump's hand gestures is very effective. He's subconsciously programming Trump voters to identify with him.

A smarter, more savvy fascist is even more dangerous than the alpha version.

What we've seen in the Jan. 6th hearings is that a relentless barrage of information can take down the popularity of an authoritarian figure. How do we do that with Ron DeSantis?

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