Pro-Choice Activists Strip Down During Joel Osteen Church Service

I'm pretty sure the pastor wasn't too happy about this.

According to a leaked draft, the Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, and ever since the leak; Republicans have been chomping at the bit to ban contraceptives, too. It's not about children. It never was. It's about control over women.

Three pro-choice activists refused to stay silent and stripped down to their underwear in protest during Sunday service at pastor Joel Osteen's Texas megachurch.

Osteen had just finished leading his congregation in prayer when the women stood up and began chanting, "My body, my f*cking choice!" Two women stripped down to their underwear, with one shouting, "Overturn Roe, hell no!"

USA Today reports:

The women said they opted to protest in Osteen's megachurch, which draws upwards of 50,000 people regularly, arguing that anti-abortion protesters show up in their safe spaces – doctors' offices and clinics – to make them feel uncomfortable.

The women were escorted outside, where they used a megaphone to continue their message. There are Republicans that don't want exceptions even for rape or incest. Even televangelist Pat Robertson called that "too extreme," but here we are.

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