SCOTUS: Well, Ladies, You Are Nothing But Incubators Now
Telling women their bodies belong to the state tends to make them a little snippy. Plus, the god-botherers will need to spike the ball!
Being a woman in America is like living in a time machine. After years of going forward, it's suddenly going back in time, and all the things you understood to be part of your autonomy -- aren't. Not anymore. Thanks, religious extremists!
"Ha ha, bitchez!" -- Sam Alito
If you've been paying attention to SCOTUS rulings, you know that so-called "originalism" means "whatever the hell we want it to mean." The "Federalist Society Presents The Supreme Court" is a joke and the court needs to be expanded. You may have noticed they don't even pretend to follow precedent or logic anymore.
So here we go. Sh*t will explode, metaphorically and literally. Via AP:
Now providers and some in law enforcement worry what will come next. They’re preparing for an increase in violence once the Supreme Court rules, saying there has historically been a spike when the issue of abortion gets widespread public attention, such as after a state approves new restrictions. If the decision ends Roe v. Wade — as a leaked draft opinion indicates may happen — they also anticipate protests, harassment and other violence to be more concentrated and intensify in states where abortion remains legal.
“We know from experience, it’s not like the people protesting clinics in banned states just pack up and go home,” said Melissa Fowler, chief program officer for the National Abortion Federation.
The group and the hundreds of abortion clinics it represents have been on “heightened alert” since the opinion leaked, Fowler said. The organization has staff who specialize in security on call around the clock. They go out to clinics to do drills with employees and volunteers on scenarios such as bomb threats or active shooters and advise them on things like where to position security cameras. They also conduct safety assessments at the homes of physicians, monitor online threats and consult with local law enforcement.
Isn't that nice.