Womp, Womp. Conway’s Book About Time In Trump White House Flops Bigly

Kellyanne Conway’s book about her time working for Orange Julius flopped, but somehow she still managed to sell 100 times more books than Meghan McCain.

Kellyanne Conway’s book about her time working for Orange Julius flopped, but somehow she still managed to sell 100 times more books than Meghan McCain.

Kellyanne Conway Couldn’t Con Book Buyers: Just 25,000 in Sales for “Here’s the Deal”:

Here’s the deal: Kellyanne Conway’s book is a dud.

The memoir of her time lying to the American people and making a mockery of everything is sales fizzle.

“Here’s the Deal” sold just 25,000 copies in its first week. The second week should be a lot less, too. The book has already dropped to number 126 on amazon’s best seller list.

Compare Conway’s sales to those of Donald Trump’s dissenting niece, Mary Trump. Her first book, “Too Much and Never Enough,” clocked 1.35 million in his debut week. Michelle Obama? Her “Becoming” was well over a million, as well. And even Donald Trump himself sold about 240,000 copies of a coffee table book last winter, which is now being used as a large coaster. (It was self published by Trump’s self-parody of a son, Donald Jr.)

Sadly, this won't stop Fox from promoting any of them. I do take a small amount of comfort in the fact that there doesn't seem to be too many Americans willing to line either of these two grifters' pockets.

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