Honest Government Ad: The Supreme Court

"The US Supreme Court has made an ad and it’s surprisingly honest and informative," says the blurb on The Juice Media's satirical video.

Leave it to the Aussies to create such sharp satire. The Juice Media (TJM) are based in Melbourne and produces, according to Wikipedia, "contemporary, left-wing political and social satire" and are best known for these Honest Government Ads. According to their own website though, "THEJUICEMEDIA – 98.9% “genuine satire”: covering Government shitfuckery and the most pressing issues of our time – written & created by Giordano in a backyard home-studio in suburban Melbourne, Australia – on Wurundjeri/Kulin land."

In the video, they ask the perfectly valid question, given such a radical Supreme Court and that introducing more justices and term limits are out of the question, what are Americans going to do about it? "Failing that, you'll have to find a way to show us that you're not going to stand for six unelected pieces of shit ratfucking your democracy anymore."

Good question.

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