Trump Launches The Mother Of All Meltdowns Over Possible 'Criminal Charges'

Yeah, he's not taking this well at all. He's going to hate prison food.

Trump Launches The Mother Of All Meltdowns Over Possible 'Criminal Charges'

Donald Trump isn't taking the news well that Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said that the Jan. 6 Committee has not ruled out "more than one" criminal referral to the Justice Department for the former President. And the one-term President seems confused, too. Donald seems to think because he "got more votes than any sitting President in history," that he shouldn't be charged. Well, Joe Biden got more votes. So there! And that's cute coming from the 'lock her up' guy.

"The Justice Department doesn't have to wait for the committee to make a criminal referral," Cheney told Jonathan Karl. "And there could be more than one criminal referral."

She said she had significant concerns "about what it would mean if people aren't held accountable for what's happened."

"I think it's a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these activities and the majority of the president's party looks away," she said, "or we as a country decide, you know, we're not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously."

Trump has never been held responsible for his actions even once in his miserable life, and he's not taking it well. So, he took to Truth Social to have a public meltdown.

Warmongering and despicable human being Liz Cheney, who is hated by the great people of Wyoming (down 35!), keeps saying, over and over again, that HER Fake Unselect Committee may recommend CRIMINAL CHARGES against a President of the United States who got more votes than any sitting President in history. Even the Dems didn't know what she was talking about! Why doesn't she press charges instead against those that cheated on the Election, or those that didn't properly protect the Capitol?

….Why doesn't the highly partisan Unselect Committee of political Thugs, the same people (all Trump haters & profiteers - books, speeches, etc.) that were involved with Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax # 2, the "No Collusion" Mueller Report and, overall, the GREATEST WITCH HUNT IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA, go after the people who have been rioting, burning down cities, leading the massive crime wave, & killing many all over the U.S., including drug & human traffickers? No, let’s get “Trump"!

It really bothers me that he puts his "name" in quotes. As for the Mueller Report, I'd like to see it. All of it. And this was weird: "Even the Dems didn't know what she was talking about!" He's a spoiled old man who never had to work a day in his life. He's been grifting and calling it a job. Well, the grift might be over soon, and this time his father isn't around to bail him out of trouble. Yes, I read Mary's book.

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