Some Usual Suspects Announce They're Forming A Third Party

They claim American voters are clamoring for centrists.

First, let me get this off my chest: Andrew Yang is not a Democrat. He's a libertarian who ran as a Democrat.

There. Now let's talk about this new reemployment program for former politicians. (Will it help if I point out that most of them are Republicans who now call themselves independents? Seems like some of them are just desperate to wash off the stink of Trumpism and can't bear the thought of affiliating with Democrats.)

See if you can spot the holes in their Washington Post op-ed announcing the Forward Party:

On guns, for instance, most Americans don’t agree with calls from the far left to confiscate all guns and repeal the Second Amendment, but they’re also rightfully worried by the far right’s insistence on eliminating gun laws. On climate change, most Americans don’t agree with calls from the far left to completely upend our economy and way of life, but they also reject the far right’s denial that there is even a problem. On abortion, most Americans don’t agree with the far left’s extreme views on late-term abortions, but they also are alarmed by the far right’s quest to make a woman’s choice a criminal offense


Sure, that's an accurate description of the Democratic party! They're doing the old "fair and balanced" routine, where "both sides do it". I think we all remember which party is the party of weaponized violence, don't we?

They talk about people clamoring for a centrist solution. Uh huh.

That's because, after the horror that was a Trump administration, most people are wise to the dangers posed by third parties in such a politically volatile time.

I gotta say, I'm surprised David Jolly is involved with this mess. He could probably make a fortune as a campaign consultant.

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