Alex Jones Accused Of Siphoning Millions To Avoid Sandy Hook Payouts
It sure looks like the guy who lied about the Sandy Hook massacre is also lying about being bankrupt.
You don’t need to understand the financial details to have a suspicion that Jones would be trying to game the bankruptcy system to avoid paying millions in damages to Sandy Hook families and, at the same time, lining his own pockets. He has already made a killing from calling the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting a hoax and endangering the parents of the dead children by calling them crisis actors. He followed up by exhibiting what a judge called “flagrant bad faith and callous disregard” of court orders to turn over documents to the parents’ lawyers after they sued.
Now, he claims to be bankrupt because of a purported debt to a company called PQPR Holdings, which is “a company owned and operated directly and indirectly by Mr. Jones and his parents,” The New York Times notes.
More from the Times:
Late last year, shortly before Mr. Jones lost all four Sandy Hook lawsuits by default after refusing to submit business records and testimony ordered by the court, he began transferring up to $11,000 per day and up to 80 percent of Infowars’s sales revenue to PQPR, the families’ filing said. Infowars’s explanation for the payments has shifted over time, with the company’s representatives most recently saying that the money was payment on debts to PQPR for merchandise.
Contrary to Mr. Jones’s company’s claims, the new filing said, “PQPR performs no services, has no employees and has no warehouse,” adding that “money that Free Speech Systems pays PQPR ends up in Alex Jones’s pockets.”
Jones is continuing to make a killing off his lies. Since the first damage award of $49.3 million, Jones’ Infowars sales have increased about 50%, to nearly $1 million per week and he has raked in millions of dollars in donations by playing the victim of the “deep state,” the Times also reports.
I suspect the bankruptcy court will see what the rest of us can see is going on here.