Cheney Has The Receipts After Opponent Claims She Didn't Call To Concede

Lying is a prerequisite to being a Republican.

For some reason, Harriet Hageman made the dubious claim on Sean Hannity's Fox News show that her Wyoming GOP opponent didn't concede the race, so the Cheney campaign provided the receipts. Republicans have a penchant for lying.

"I haven't had any other contact with Liz Cheney. She made the one effort, and all she said was, 'Hello, Harriet.' And then that was the end of it," Hageman said, according to Politico. Hannity then tried to clarify whether she was alleging that Cheney had "just said 'Hello, Harriet' and then hung up," so Hageman reiterated: "That was the end of the call, yes."

However, in a recording obtained by Politico, Cheney can be heard saying, "It is about 8:13 on Tuesday the 16th, I'm calling to concede the election and congratulate you on the win. Thanks."

The receipts:

What a strange lie coming from a Trump-backed candidate. Former President Donald Trump still hasn't conceded the race he lost to Joe Biden 653 days ago, but sure, do go off on Cheney not immediately conceding even though she immediately conceded the race.

Of all the things to lie her ass off about, Hageman chose the phone call that Cheney made to concede the race to her election-denying derriere. What a freaking crazy time to be alive. She claimed that the 2020 election was "rigged." If that's true, sunshine, why wasn't Wyoming's election rigged since we have so much power on the left? Jinkies, she didn't think this one through, did she?

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