Don Jr. Explains That He Doesn't Do Cocaine, He's Just 'Animated' (Wink Wink)

No one believes this, Junior.

You don't have to be a former addict or a drug counselor to know that Donald Trump Jr. does a hell of a lot of cocaine. However, I was both of those things at different points in my life, so spotting an active drug user is easy peasy for me. On the other hand, even if you have never encountered drug users, you'd know this motherf*cker is high as a kite. We've gotten into this before.

But now Junior actually brought up the word cocaine. Just note that drug addicts are liars. They have to lie to keep their secret life secret out of embarrassment, shame, fitting into society, or for legal reasons—that kind of thing. No one is ever proud of being an addict.

In a clip, Junior is on some sort of show. I'm not sure which one, but it says "MySonHunter.com" on the screen, and that links to a Breitbart "production." So, it seems that Junior wants to talk about Hunter's past addiction but not his own active addiction, which he denies. I'm not a Hunter-defender normally, but kudos to the President's son for overcoming the disease of addiction.

Junior said:

"Before we get into the personal issues, I know they love to say, because I'm a rather animated guy, that apparently I have a cocaine addiction every time I speak."

Yeah, no. That's not based on reality. You can be animated without looking like you're on a 4-day cocaine bender.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones said in March that he was tired of critics accusing Junior of taking drugs.

"They don't get like Don Jr gives a powerful speech and, I mean, he is really becoming a good orator, one of the best," he insisted.

"I mean, just a couple of years ago, he was okay, now it's like damn, that's a powerful speech, that's better than Joel Olsteen or Martin Luther King," he added.

Junior's (alleged!) drug use is widely talked about, yet there is no one close to the guy who cares enough to get him the help he so direly needs. That's rather sad. He could easily die from an overdose, but no one gives a single sh*t about him.

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