If There Was Ever Any Doubt That Tucker Is A Clown, Watch This

The Fox TV entertainer explains the real climate threat.

As we look around at massive floods, droughts, storms, and killer heat waves, Serious Question Asker Tucker Carlson, he of the tilted head, explains the real threat. Via Media Matters:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): The Europeans have discovered that the real threat to human civilization is not global warming, it never was global warming. The real threat to people is global cooling, otherwise known as winter. Far more people freeze to death every year than die of heat. In 2019, for example, four times as many people died of cold as of heat. That's according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. So when temperatures in Europe begin to drop a few months from now, this is a huge problem and that will be obvious to everyone. It's not global warming, it's global cooling. That's what's going to kill your grandmother.

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