Whoops: Alabama GOP Group Apologizes Over KKK Imagery In Their Post
What in the hell?
A Republican group in Alabama is super sorry they 'accidentally' used a picture of the GOP elephant that contained Ku Klux Klan imagery. KKK hoods, to be exact. I'm not sure how this even happens. They did offer a reason why it happened, but it's still hard to grasp.
Via The News & Observer:
The Lawrence County Republican Party intended to post an image of the GOP elephant on its Facebook page, but ended up using one in which the white spaces between the animal's legs were drawn to resemble hooded Klansmen. A party official said the image was taken from the results of a Google search and that the image was immediately replaced once the mistake was detected.
"I would like to offer a deep and sincere apology for a picture that temporarily appeared on this page last night. A google search picture of a GOP elephant was used and later found to have hidden images that do not represent the views or beliefs of the Lawrence County Republican Party," Shannon Terry wrote in a Facebook post. "As chairman, I take full responsibility for the error," Terry added.
I'm not sure how they missed this, though:
As it happens, the image was taken from a 2020 piece at Mother Jones titled "The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless."
So, on top of the obvious, they also used an image that isn't fair use. They can be sued for that.
Let those amongst us who never accidentally posted KKK imagery cast the first stone.