Juan Williams Knocks Down Rove's Whinebagging About Biden's 'Semi-Fascism' Remarks

Fox regular Juan Williams knocked down two sets of right-wing talking points about Joe Biden's recent remarks where he described Republican loyalty to Trump as "semi-fascism.

Fox regular Juan Williams knocked down two sets of right-wing talking points about Joe Biden's recent remarks where he described Republican loyalty to Trump as "semi-fascism. The first was from Fox News Sunday guest host Jennifer Griffin, who tried to paint this as a something akin to Hillary Clinton's "deplorable" comment.

WILLIAMS: Jen, I would say, you know, what the president said was clearly after January 6, 2021. Hillary Clinton spoke before January 6, 2021. After January 6th, you had the reality that there were a group of people, Trump supporter's, who attacked the Congress of the United States to stop the certification of a legitimate, fair election. You had people in the crowd who wanted to threaten, if not hang, Vice President Pence. You had a situation where there were Trump officials who were pressuring state officials to manufacture votes and send phony electors to the Congress of the United States.

I think if people behave that way, then they can be -- they can expect to be called semi-fascist, fascist, because it's antidemocratic action. You're acting against the constitution of these United States. And I think, you know, without being dramatic, that's how democracy dies. They were trying to undermine, to subvert this Constitution. And I think we also - we didn't play it, but I think it's important to differ - to say that President Biden differentiated tween that group of people and conservative Republicans. He says he's worked with conservative Republicans on a bipartisan basis on Capitol Hill on many bills.

This week we had an NBC poll that said now the idea that this democracy is under attack is a number one concern of American voters.

So, in other words, if you don't want to be called fascists, maybe quit acting like fascists. Griffin just moved on instead of trying to counter Williams, and asked her other panel member, Karl Rove, about whether Roe being overturned was going to affect the midterms, and Rove, who was peeved about Williams response just had to chime in on that after he answered her question on abortion.

ROVE: I have to say one thing, though, about - about the previous -- Joe - Joe Biden, President Biden, was attacking Republicans generally. He was not talking but the people who assaulted the Capitol that sits to the south of us here. He was attacking the entire party.

After some whining by Rove about Biden not being a uniter and supposedly "not treating his political opponents with dignity and respect," Williams shot back at Rove.

WILLIAMS: But, Karl, he clearly -- clearly was seeking to -

ROVE: No, he did not. No, he did not.

WILLIAMS: He said clearly, I'm not talking about conservative Republicans.

ROVE: No. No, he didn't - he didn't say that. He - those words never passed his lips.

WILLIAMS: He said that. And - he - they did. And what - and also he clearly acted at people who weren't neighborly and attacked the Congress.

Biden pretty clearly called out the "MAGA Republicans" during his speech, not all of them. I'm sure it's a majority of Republicans, but it's not all of them, and it's not half the country as they like to keep pretending. You know an attack is working when they all squeal like a bunch of stuck pigs. I hope Biden keeps after them and doesn't let up.

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