'Let's Talk Crudités': Oz Asked On Newsmax If He's 'Relatable'

"Is Dr. Oz relatable to the everyday, hardworking American there in Pennsylvania?” asked host Shaun Kraisman.

Dr. Oz insists he's relatable to 'everyday people,' which I assume is code that 1%ers like himself understand to mean morons because you'd have to be one to believe he's anything other than a phony.

Source: Daily Beast

“Let’s talk crudités, if we can,” the Newsmax host said, perhaps ominously. “As you know, this video went viral. You were at Wegmans going through the veggie aisle, essentially hitting on inflation and how things cost more; putting together a plate of crudité would cost you more than 20 bucks. You said that you were at Wegners—this is a very popular local grocery in this region called Wegmans.”

Kraisman asked a question “Your response to this?” before continuing to pile on: “And not only the video that is making its round, Fetterman is campaigning off of it. He has raised quite a bit of money off of that video. But it does get to the factor: Is Dr. Oz relatable to the everyday, hardworking American there in Pennsylvania?”

After some blather from Oz about how he saves lives and invents things, while Fetterman just sits on his ass, Oz then said he used 'crudités" for comedic effect in the video. Undeterred, Kraisman went back and asked his question again.

“I don’t mean to fixate on it, but just for those watching in Pennsylvania, you know how particular many people are about their groceries, what happened with Wegmans and Wegners?” the Newsmax host wondered. “Can you explain that to them?”

Oz claimed the flub resulted from being “exhausted” from “campaigning 18 hours a day,” even going so far as to say he’s “gotten my kids’ names wrong as well.” The doctor claimed those mistakes shouldn’t be “a measure of someone’s ability to lead the commonwealth”—in the process appearing to confuse the roles of senator and governor.

And so it went. Exhausted in April for a primary that wasn't held in June.

Uh huh.

When your candidate can't even handle a softball interview from Newsmax he might be in trouble, and the polls support that, with Fetterman up 18, 51-33, and that's according to a Republican pollster.

Say goodbye to Pennsylvania, Dr. Oz. Hope you enjoyed your visit.

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