Mike’s Blog Round-Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts

Above, Boo Radlley performs There She Goes. We have some opinions and hot takes on the Republican descent into madness and fascism (and we should call it out for what it is). As I write this, I've learned that The Diary of Anne Frank was just banned in a Texas school district. Seriously.

Lawyers, Guns & Money offers Democratic candidates solid advice: Run on Your Beliefs.

Claytoonz says that Cheney was kicked out of the GOP because of her beliefs.

Driftglass patiently explains to Andrew Yang how primaries work. In Wyoming. Hint: it's NOT the process.

Bark Bark Woof Woof returns to work in a public school in Dade County, Florida.

Mike The Mad Biologist gives us the PSA we need to hear: Covid-19 is still with us.

Bonus Track: Because we’re all about pop culture, let's compare and contrast all the Batman movie cinematic themes. Hint: They all are pretty great!

Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with For MBRU in the subject line).

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