Uber Driver Blows Whistle On MO Anti-Abortion Legislator

Here's some "private enforcement action" for you, Mary Elizabeth!

Gather 'round, children, and listen to the tale of a married abortion-hating, God-fearing state representative and what her Uber driver describes as a night out with her then-boyfriend. Why, she's even the chair of the Children and Families committee! (Wonder if she's going to pass that "Covenant Marriage" bill?)

She's been lauded as one of the new, young faces against abortion.

According to Vanity Fair, we learn that Mary Elizabeth is now running for the Missouri State Senate. We also learn that she believes if women get pregnant when they don't want to be, they will "step up to the challenge."

So tell us, Mary Elizabeth: Have you stepped up to the challenge lately?

Uncomfortable, isn't it? Having a bunch of strangers paw over the alleged personal details of your life, I mean. Is it really anyone else's business?

Well, yeah. Once you, a public figure, appoint yourself the arbiter of everyone else's private lives, you're living in the proverbial glass house.

Uber driver Annie Schulte tells this tale. Is she a trusted source? I have no way of knowing. So take it with a grain of salt for now:

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