Trump Is Not Taking The DOJ's Photo Of Evidence Very Well

You knew this was coming.

Trump Is Not Taking The DOJ's Photo Of Evidence Very Well

The Department of Justice's response to Donald Trump's request for a special master to review documents that the former President stole on his way out of office seems solid. On top of that, another one of Trump's lawyers should consider getting a lawyer to represent her. It was revealed that Christina Bobb, a former news network One America News Network, as custodian of the documents, she signed a June statement asserting that, to the best of her knowledge, all classified material had been provided to the government.

She's in big girl trouble. The DOJ appears to suggest that Bobb committed obstruction by representing that all of the documents from the White House were in one storage location when they were not and that all of the docs were turned over in response to a subpoena when they weren't.

And the damning photo the DOJ released of seized Top Secret docs is undoubtedly one for the history books. Predictably, Trump threw a massive hissy fit on his platform Truth Social to lash out at the FBI. Again.

Trump is upset over the photo taken at his Florida resort showing that the former President withheld documents marked as "top secret," even though his lawyer signed the sworn statement claiming that they had been returned.

Trump has unleashed 5 'truths' on his site, but we won't post all of his crazy talk. He's now saying that the FBI mishandled the documents that he shouldn't have had to begin with.

Terrible the way the FBI, during the Raid of Mar-a-Lago, threw documents haphazardly all over the floor (perhaps pretending it was me that did it!), and then started taking pictures of them for the public to see. Thought they wanted them kept Secret? Lucky I Declassified!

Whatever happened to NUCLEAR, a word that was leaked early on by the FBI/DOJ to the Fake News Media!

Here's the photo that Lumpy is upset about.

Well, the word nuclear could be in the redacted pages. Who knows. And the papers were placed on the floor to show that he had top-secret docs that they asked him to return time and time again.

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