Will This Segment Get Jim Acosta Fired? Inquiring Minds Want To Know

Jim Acosta repeatedly calls out former Trump official Chad Wolf for spreading lies about election security. Is it a step too far?

I wonder if Jim Acosta is daring new CNN boss Chris Licht to fire him. Because he didn't hold back at all in this interview yesterday with former acting head of the Department of Homeland Security, the sleazy Chad Wolf -- who now works for the equally sleazy America First Policy Institute, where Trump administration faithful go to pick up a check.

Wolf was whining about the election, naturally.

"The Supreme Court wanted nothing to do with any of these challenges. Trump lost over and over and over again. Why not accept that? Why not move on?" Acosta asked.

After a lot of crosstalk, Acosta said, "Should Donald Trump still be out there peddling the election lies that he spreads every day? Do you think he's lying?"

"Polling will say folks on the left and the right do not have confidence in our election system and that's a problem. I think that's what we should be focused on. How do we solve these problems when we have the midterms ---"

"Our elections are fine," Acosta interjected.

"There's fraud in our election system. If people don't acknowledge that, that becomes part of the problem," Wolf said.

"You are the former acting secretary of Homeland Security, and you're spreading doubt and fear about our election process."

"These are facts," Wolf protested.

"These are alternative facts," Acosta said. "Joe Biden won fair and square."

Wolf insisted there are "irregularities, illegalities and fraud when we talk about our election."

"Not sufficient to alter the outcome," Acosta said.

"What I would say even if there's a small amount, that is worth coming together and trying to solve that at a national level and at a state level so we can get past this so that we have some integrity in our elections," Wolf said.

"We need to have integrity but need to have integrity among officials whose work in the government and who have left the government who will tell the American people the truth."

"We certainly need to have some integrity by those reporting the news as well."


"And we do have that integrity, but we expect that of our elected leaders and people who work under them. You can't continue to sow these seeds of doubt about American democracy. It's failing the American people to continue to lead them down this path of lies," Acosta said.

He also told Wolf, "Chad, it sounds like you've watched one too many conspiracy films."

"No, I'm reading the news," Wolf shot back. (Nanny nanny boo boo!)

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