Wish Granted: Trumper Dares FBI To 'Come And Get' Him, So They Did

Enjoy those stale bologna sandwiches in jail, dude.

Adam Bies, 46, a Mercer County, Pennsylvania resident, is in big boy trouble for threatening to murder FBI agents last week after the agency executed a search warrant of Donald Trump's Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago. Unsurprisingly, Bies has an account on the far-right-wing site Gab.

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Bies made various threats, saying in one, "come and get me you piece of [expletive] feds" and "I am going to [expletive] slaughter you," in another.

Bies dared the feds to come and get him, so they did.

The outlet reports that Bies is charged in U.S. District Court with influencing, impeding, or retaliating against federal law officers.

Bies issued the threats on Gab after FBI agents searched Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort after the twice impeached one-term President failed to return sensitive documents.

"My only goal is to kill more of them before I drop," he wrote on Gab. "I will not spend one second of my life in their custody."

"If you work for the FBI, then you deserve to die," he wrote in another message.

"I'll shoot an SS officer in the head just as quick as I'd shoot a KGB officer in the head," he wrote in one post. "Keep that in mind. There are plenty of other letters in the alphabet. Police state scum are police state scum. Period."

In one post, he wrote, "HEY FEDS. We the people cannot WAIT to water the trees of liberty with your blood. I'll be waiting for you to kick down my door."

After a quick look into Bies, he doesn't appear to have a criminal background. He's gotten a couple of speeding tickets and seems to have lived an unremarkable life. He doesn't have any assets. And he had a possible tax lien. So, why would Bies put what little he has on the line for an alleged self-entitled billionaire like Donald J. Trump, who thinks the world owes him a favor? I'll never understand this.

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