Alex Jones's Day In Court Just Got Really Awkward

Well, that was a stupid thing to do.

Sandy Hook massacre conspiracy theorist Alex Jones took the stand on Thursday at his defamation trial in Connecticut. His attorney is trying to limit the damages he must pay for promoting the lie that the 2012 school massacre was a hoax. By doing that, Jones's fans harassed some of the grieving parents of the 20 children and six educators killed in the shooting.

On cross-examination today, Alex Jones was confronted with the fact that he's been calling Judge Barbara Bellis, who is ruling over the case, a "tyrant" on his show during the trial while showing lasers coming out of her eyes.

"You called the judge a tyrant, correct?" Jones was asked to which he replied, "yes."

He said that he calls people tyrants "only when they act like it" while the judge was seated next to him. Then, the plaintiff's attorney held up a graphic that InfoWars used of the judge with laser beams coming out of her eyes.

If I was accused of something that heinous, the last thing I would do is target the judge that's ruling over the case, but that's just me. That piece of sh*t profited from the corpses of murdered children. Zero f*cks given for that man.

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