Comic's Brilliant Troll Angers British Conservatives

When "leftie-liberal-wokie-comedian" Joe Lycett went on the BBC on Sunday and declared himself "incredibly rightwing" and a keen supporter of new Prime Minister Liz Truss everybody knew something was up.

Just some inspired satire here. (About the closest American equivalent would be Stephen Colbert on his old Comedy Central show when he claimed to be ultra-conservative.) All Lycett had to do was repeat the pat, cliche-ridden answers that conservatives always give for these appearances, acting as little more than designated cheerleaders. And then he added, "the haters will say that after 12 years of Tories, we are at the dregs of what they have to offer, and Liz Truss is like the backwash of the dregs - I wouldn't say that because I'm incredibly right-wing but some people might say that."

The brief internet clips went viral immediately, far overshadowing Liz Truss who had just been interviewed on the same show. (It's said when she saw Lycett on the panel to discuss her segment she made a face like "a slapped arse.") The Daily Mail and other Tory papers were aghast, the Mail featuring Lycett on their front page, they were so outraged. And today, a Tory MP fumed about the new BBC show and their left-wing bent.

Ridicule of politicians is a wonderful thing.

Source: The Guardian

On the morning Liz Truss was to be elected as prime minister-in-waiting of the UK, much of the online noise was focused not on politicians but on a comedian.

Joe Lycett, the standup comic and presenter of BBC’s The Great British Sewing Bee, managed to make the front page of the Daily Mail, which turned its outrage on comments he made on BBC’s new flagship show Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg.

Lycett responded gleefully:

Later on Monday, with Truss confirmed as the new leader of the Conservative party and by default the country’s prime minister, Lycett was among the comics and commentators to react to her victory.

Lycett continued his tongue-in-cheek support of the foreign secretary:

A Tory MP fumed that the BBC had left Lycett on to make fun of their new Prime Minister.

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