FINALLY: Fetterman Fights Back On Oz Attack Ads

The Oz campaign has been relentlessly slamming him as a crazy liberal who's soft on crime.

If you live in Pennsylvania, you've been barraged by the wave of Oz ads, relentlessly slamming John Fetterman as a lawless hippie who's soft on crime, and wondered when Fetterman was going to fight back. Well, Fetterman finally has a TV ad fighting back, with suburban Philadelphia sheriff defending decisions he made as head of the state’s board of pardons. Via HuffPost:

The 30-second TV spot features Montgomery County Sheriff Sean Kilkenny and is designed to rebut charges from Fetterman’s Republican opponent, Mehmet Oz, that Fetterman, the lieutenant governor, endangered Pennsylvanians by going easy on convicted criminals.

“Here’s the truth: John gave a second chance to those who deserved it ― nonviolent offenders, marijuana users,” a uniformed Kilkenny says directly to the camera. “He voted with law enforcement experts nearly 90% of the time. He reunited families and protected our freedom ― and he saved taxpayer money.”

“John Fetterman has the courage to do what’s right,” added Kilkenny, who also introduces himself as a military veteran. “Dr. Oz doesn’t know a thing about crime. He only knows how to help himself.”

The Oz ads are effective, pointing out Fetterman wants to repeal life sentences for homicide.

Of course they don't mention the rest: Fetterman is against the mandatory life sentence for those convicted of second-degree homicide - as in, a friend borrows your car and then kills someone. He goes to jail for life -- but so do you.

But nuance has no place in politics, as we know.

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